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Online Pole Dancing Lessons

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Can I really learn to pole dance online?

Five great reasons to take online classes

Your Pole Pal's top picks for learning to pole online

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Can I Really Learn to Pole Dance Online?

Absolutely! More and more people are getting a start, or supplementing their studio classes, with online pole dancing lessons.

Maybe online lessons are your only option because there are no pole dance studios near you. Perhaps you're already learning at home with the help of a friend, a pole dance manual, or some DVDs but you'd like some extra help. Or maybe you take classes regularly but you want to supplement your in-class learning, or gain exposure to different instructors and different styles of pole dancing.

Whatever your reasons for looking into online pole dancing lessons, rest assured that with today's technology, it's a great option that can really help move you forward in your pole dancing goals. 

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Five Great Reasons To Take Online Pole Dancing Lessons

  1. Affordability - Online lessons are much less expensive than group classes or private lessons, as there are no studio overhead costs such as rent, utilities and equipment. You'll also save time and money by not having to travel to a studio. And remember that most online pole dancing packages are based on a one-time fee, so after you purchase your package it's yours to access for as long as you want, whenever you want.

  2. Convenience - Online pole dancing classes allow you to practice and learn from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you...perfect if you have a busy schedule, you can't find a sitter, or if there's no studio close by.

  3. Flexibility - With online lessons, you can choose the types of classes you want to take and the specific material you want to focus on, plus you can progress at your own pace. Spend all the time you want working on the moves that are most challenging for you, and review as often as you like. Getting bored or frustrated? No problem, just take a break and try a different lesson until you're ready to come back to the harder stuff.

  4. Privacy - Although pole studios are generally welcoming, supportive and inclusive environments in which to learn, some people just feel more comfortable out of the limelight. If this is you, you may prefer to learn and practice at home, at least at first.  As you gain confidence you may feel that you'd like to try out a studio environment. But you can also continue learning at home if you prefer, no pressure!

  5. Diversity - Online classes often give you access to a number of different instructors, giving you a greater range of styles and techniques to learn from. So even if you're taking classes at your local studio, you can benefit from supplementing your lessons with an online instruction package.
woman taking online pole dancing lessons

As you can see, there are plenty of good reasons to sign up for online pole dancing lessons. But are there downsides to learning online? Sure.

If you're not really comfortable trying new things without someone there in person to guide you and to provide encouragement and reassurance, you may be better off taking group or private lessons, either in a studio or in your home.

And if you're not the self-motivated type, you may find it all too easy to skip your online lessons. If this sounds like you, keep in mind that if you've signed up and paid for classes at a studio (especially if you're going with a friend) you may be more likely to attend, even if you're feeling tired, grumpy, or less than motivated for whatever reason.

So before you decide whether or not online pole dancing lessons are going to work for you, it's a good idea to consider not only the benefits (flexibility, cost savings, etc) but also the potential pitfalls (no accountability, no immediate feedback from an instructor, etc.)

woman thinking about online pole dancing lessons

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Yes, Online Pole Dancing Lessons Are For Me!

Great! But first let's get one thing straight: Your Pole Pal is NOT referring to YouTube videos.

These videos are great fun to watch of course, very entertaining (how did she DO that?!), and quite inspiring.

Just keep in mind that these clips are normally meant for entertainment, or to promote studio classes, and they rarely provide the level of detailed instruction you should expect from an actual online course. Trying to learn from a studio demo video, especially if it involves advanced moves and you're a rank beginner, is only asking for injury! Remember - safety is sexy!

OK, now that we have that out of the way, here are the online pole dancing lessons that Your Pole Pal recommends. 

Top Picks For Online Lessons

OpenDance Academy

OpenDance Academy brings you a huge variety of online pole dancing lessons taught by over 40 different big-name instructors, including Jamilla Deville, Kenneth Kao, Sarah Scott and many more. These are true online pole dancing lessons, with nothing to download.

There are lots of different offerings so there's something for everyone no matter if you're a rank beginner or an advanced student.

How'd you like to learn this trick? OpenDance Academy can get you there!

advanced pole dancer Yvonne Smink

OpenDance Academy's online platform is easy to navigate and the lessons are professionally filmed and broken down into simple components so they're easy to follow.

Best of all, there are several different ways for you to test drive the OpenDance Academy classes without a lot of commitment. Start by checking out these free demo lessons, which short clips of a few of the different lessons, so you can see how they're structured and presented. 

After that, you could start off with one of the inexpensive trial class packages. There's one for beginner/intermediate level, and one for intermediate/advanced polers. Each package includes a warm up plus 10 different lessons, each covering a specific move.

If you enjoy your trial lesson, you can upgrade by purchasing the complete level. Or take advantage of the best value and upgrade to the best-selling Pole Dance Platinum package, which gives you lifetime access to all the existing pole dancing classes (currently over 400!) plus new classes that are being added regularly.

Ad for OpenDance Flexibility and Stretching Course

In addition to the options above, OpenDance Academy offers individual choreographies, and a flexibility and stretching course that includes almost 10 hours of material - enough to take you from where you are to where you want to be in terms of flexbility!

And guys, check this out, there's even a course just for men. How would you like to be able to do this?!

Ad for OpenDance Men's Pole Dancing Course

OpenDance is truly a fabulous platform full of incredible classes taught by world class instructors. Check it out today, you won't be disappointed!

Studio Veena

Veena was one of the first teachers to offer online pole dancing lessons, and over the years she has continually added new material to her website so there's always something fresh.

The huge selection of video tutorials at includes several levels of beginner, intermediate and advanced pole, as well as modules covering on and off pole conditioning, flexibility training, floor work, dancing in heels, spinning pole, inversions, and much more. You'll also have access to tutorials for chair and lap dance - great for cross training! There's even a complete teacher training course included with your membership.

Here's a visual sampling of just a few of Veena's many tutorial programs...

Studio Veena Beginner Pole Dancing Lessons
Studio Veena Flow Program
Studio Veena Intermediate Pole Dancing Lessons
Studio Veena Flexibility Program
Studio Veena Advanced Pole Dancing Lessons
Studio Veena Inversions Tutorial

Veena even offers free access to selected video tutorials, so you can get a feel for her teaching style and the quality of her material before you buy.

Check out Veena's online pole dancing tutorials here

And while she's known for her detailed, in-depth video tutorials, Veena also offers a discussion forum on her site that's open to everyone. It's a super helpful and very supportive community moderated by Veena herself.

Studio Veena Online Pole Dancing Lessons

There are two options for membership at Studio Veena, and both include full access to all of Veena's video tutorials. The first is month-to-month, priced at $20 per month. This is a great choice if you want to check out all the tutorials but aren't yet ready to commit to an annual membership.

An annual membership gives you access to the same material, but at a discounted price of just $99 per year. That's less than half the price of paying monthly!

To learn more, head on over to and be prepared to be amazed at the quality and quantity of Veena's online pole dancing video tutorials. Then sign up and get started today!

Proceed with Caution

Your Pole Pal has heard unfavourable reviews of one particular online course, so caution is advised if you're considering this one.

Amber Starr's Pole Dancing Course is promoted as an award winning course, but there is actually no institution that grants awards for such courses. In the promotional material, Amber herself is described as a master instructor and professional dancer, but there is no indication of her certification or training. In fact, Amber may not even exist as a real person.

The course promotion material states that the course is comprised of over 100 video lessons, however the videos appear to be a random collection of YouTube videos from different channels and instructors, and "Amber" is not present in any of them. Much, if not all, the material appears to have been used without permission, and it is not presented with any kind of structure or progression in mind.

All in all, this is a low quality product that Your Pole Pal simply cannot recommend. For reference, here is an image of the course from the sales page. Please proceed with caution if you decide to purchase this course, as the comments from the wider pole community are not at all flattering.

Amber Starr's Online Pole Dancing Course

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More About Online Lessons...

Although the above courses are current top picks, there are a few other online pole dancing programs starting to pop up as this sport continues to grow in popularity. They'll be included on this page soon.

Until then, here's a helpful article explaining some ways you can evaluate any new online lesson package to make sure it offers the high quality learning experience you deserve.

Are you wondering if you need a pole in order to take online classes? Jenny was, and her question was answered here. Maybe the answer will help you if you're wondering the same thing

Do you have a question about taking pole dancing lessons online? Or about any aspect of pole dancing for fitness? Check out these FAQs for answers. If you don't see the information you need just ask!

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