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Got pole dancing questions? 


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More and more everyday people are learning to pole dance for fitness, for fun, and maybe even to discover their sexy side.

And along with this growing interest in the sport come more and more questions.

If you have a pole dancing question that needs an answer, or a pole problem that needs solving, fear not...Your Pole Pal is here to help!

Pole Dance Instructor FAQ

Pole dance teachers, studio owners, or pole dancers with questions about becoming an instructor or pole business owner, this section is just for you!

Here's how to get answers to your pole dancing questions...

It's a good idea to start off by searching the database of questions and answers that are already here. Maybe your question has already been answered. If so, you won't have to wait!

Just type a few words or a short phrase below that describe your problem or what you'd like help with. For example, "twisted grip pain" or "maximum weight x-pole."

You can also scan the list of questions that have already been submitted below, and you might find a similar one to yours.

If you have a pole fitness question that's not been answered, you can submit it using the form below.

Your Pole Pal will post a detailed answer as soon as possible, and if you set your preferences to be notified, you'll get an email when your question has been answered.

PLEASE NOTE: There is currently a lengthy backlog of pole dancing questions waiting to be answered, so response time is quite a bit longer than usual. Thanks for your patience!

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More Pole Dancing Questions

See more questions and answers below...

Which diameter pole? 
I was wondering what diameter to get? I'm a beginner and I see the x pole comes in 45mm and 55mm diameter? Also it spins round, could you explain when …

Can't pick up my legs to swing on the pole 
I'm having an issue in picking up my legs when I try to swing around a pole. Are there any tips you could give me in regards of my fear of picking myself …

what type of pole is best? 
I'm looking to buy a pole asap by Xpole but I don't know what type to get for a beginner. Chrome, titanium, brass, or what size mm around? Susan …

How to choose the best online pole dancing classes? 
I notice there are a few options for online pole classes and I was wondering if you have any advice for the best one to take? Are some better for beginners …

Do I Need A Pole To Take Online Pole Dancing Lessons? 
I'm curious to try pole dancing but there's no studio where I live. So I thought of signing up for online pole dance classes, but I'm not sure I'll …

Proper Grip on Pole 
I just bought my new X-Pole and I had only practiced a few times when my middle finger started hurting. I noticed it looked a bit swollen as well. …

I can do pole tricks but I can't dance! 
Question: I want to learn to pole dance , not just do tricks. I'm pretty strong and I can do all the spins and inversions and stuff. But I'm totally …

Can I learn to pole dance from a book? 
Question: There aren't any pole studios in my town so I'm thinking of getting my own pole at home. I've seen a few books that teach pole dancing moves, …

Help Overcoming Nervousness Before A Pole Dance Competition 
Question: Help! I'm entering my very first pole dance competition, and even though I don't expect to win I want my performance to be as good as I can …

How in shape do you need to be to start pole dancing? 
I'm 5'6" and currently weigh 120 lbs and after having my son, I could never find a good work out that I enjoyed enough to stick with. I am not overweight, …

Too heavy too pole dance? 
Hello! I came across your website with interest of starting to pole dance. I have just one question. I currently weigh about 250 pounds. Is it too heavy …

Poles For Climbing and Spinning 
Which poles can I actually climb and spin in the air on? I am afraid I will get one that won't hold enough weight for someone to be able to spin in the …

How Much Are Pole Classes? 
I'm interested in learning. I'm just wondering how much it is? Susan from PDFF says: I get this question all the time Youa, so I thought it would …

Hands and legs sticking too much 
I just recently started learning to pole dance, but I am having trouble with my hands and legs sticking to the pole too much. If I attempt a spin …

How old do I have to be to pole dance? 
I'm 16 and I'm really interested in doing pole dancing lessons for fitness reasons, but is this an okay age to do it at, do the clubs or fitness centres …

Leather or PVC for Pole Dancing? 
I want to buy a pair of shoes or boots for my pole dancing class but I'm not sure what material is best. Should I get leather or PVC?

Sore forearm from inverted grip 
Hi, not sure if you can help me here, but I've been having a few issues with a certain hand placement. It makes my forearm extremely sore after only a …

C-section and pole dancing
when is it safe to start?
If you had a c-section, when can you start pole dancing exercises? Susan Replies... Thanks for your question! It's great to see you wanting …

My pole class requires 6" heels...are they really necessary? 
I am 59, pump iron/play golf. Started a pole dancing class/anti-gravity, like it but the shoes, 6" inch heels required, fell several times, I would like …

Pole Dancing Help 
I have a pole at home and I am a beginner. It is really hard to really get a grip, the only thing I can do is go around the pole and walk, that's it. I …

Will pole dancing help me lose weight? 
I want to take pole dance classes to lose weight. Is pole dancing a good exercise and will I lose weight if I do the classes?

I am interested in learning to pole dance however I have no muscles at all! 
So would I need to tone up some before attempting to learn pole dancing? Or can I use pole dancing as a way to get stronger without hurting myself?

Can a woman with lower back pain still pole dance? 
Are there any safe moves that can be done on the pole? Non weight bearing sexy moves that someone wanting to pole dance can do?

Inner thigh pain 
I have a question about the pain on the inner thigh when sitting on the pole and doing the up-side down stunts where you are squeezing with the inner …

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What is the best pole (type and Brand) for fitness used in an appartment complex?  
I heard brass works much better for tight grip on slow moving exercises but is it ideal for a beginner? I want to make the right decision for an exercise …

What exercises can I do (off the pole) to help gain strength? 
I would love to know which exercises I can do to improve my strength so I can make those awesome pole moves look effortless! I don't have a pole at home …

Inflexibility - Where do I start? 
I'm extremely inflexible (I can't bend over and touch my toes), but I really want to be able to do all those crazy moves on the pole. My question is: …

What are your thoughts on Pole Dancing as a form of exercise for weight loss? 
Would pole dancing be a good way to help lose weight? Or would it just be for toning up and getting fit? I just thought this would be somewhat fun, rather …

Dimentions either side of pole needed 
I just bought a dancing pole and want to install it in my bedroom. The problem I am having is, I am not sure what my minimum space around my pole can be. …

Is there a difference between the pole dancing you would learn at a fitness class and club pole dancing? 
Just wondering if club style pole dancing is what they teach in classes, or is it something different?

What muscles are worked in pole dancing? 
I'm wondering if it's mainly the upper body because of all the spinning and climbing, or does pole dancing work any other muscles too?

Click here to write your own.

How hard is pole dancing?
With pole dancing becoming so popular as a form of fitness in recent years, you might be thinking of giving it a try yourself. But Your Pole Pal knows that the question on every hesitant newbie's mind is, just how hard is pole dancing?

How Many Calories Does Pole Dancing Burn?
I'm wondering how pole dancing compares to other kinds of exercise. I want to do something fun for my fitness program. Will pole dancing help me burn a lot of calories or is it mainly for toning up?

Is Pole Dancing High Impact?
I’m talking about purely gymnastic, non-sexy pole dancing taking place in a gym, as opposed to the sexy club kind. I’ve been warned away from high impact exercise by my doctor, because of something with my joints. If I overdo it, I could end up with arthritis when I’m older.

What About Pole Burn?
Like what happens to you when you're a kid on the monkey bars, your hands hurt and you lose your grip? Except here, not just on your hands but also on your body. Ouch?"

Do I Need A Pole To Take Online Pole Dance Classes?
I'm curious to try pole dancing but there's no studio where I live. So I thought of signing up for online pole dance classes, but I'm not sure I'll like it. Can I sign up and try the lessons before I buy a dance pole?

Tips For Pole Dancing
Looking to improve your pole dancing skills? Check out these expert tips for pole dancing for both beginners and advanced polers.

C-Section and Pole Dancing
"If you had a c-section, when can you start pole dancing exercises?"

How Much Space Do You Need For A Dance Pole?
I just bought a dancing pole and want to install it in my bedroom. The problem I am having is, I am not sure what my minimum space around my pole can be.

Pole Dancing Jobs
Want to teach pole dancing? Find out where to look for pole dancing jobs, how to approach employers, or even how to create your own pole dancing job!

What's New?

  1. Northern Ireland Pole Dancing Directory

    Sep 04, 24 10:26 AM

    This listing of Northern Ireland pole dancing studios will help you find classes in your area. Come give it a try!

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  2. Pole Dancing Safety Gear

    Sep 03, 24 06:45 PM

    The right pole dancing gear can help you stay safe, reduce injuries, and keep you more comfotable while you're learning. From grip aids to crash mats, find out what you need here.

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  3. Dancer Pole Safety Tips To Keep You Safe On Your Pole

    Sep 03, 24 06:36 PM

    Follow these 6 simple dancer pole safety tips to help reduce your chances of pole-related injuries and accidents. Safety is sexy!

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  4. Pole Dancing Gloves - Helpful or Not?

    Sep 03, 24 06:31 PM

    Are pole dancing gloves the answer to your pole troubles? Maybe...maybe not. Learn what types of pole dance gloves can help, and which ones to avoid.

    Read More

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