Plus size dancing

by Shawnna

Where can I find plus size pole dancing in Chicago?

Susan from PDFF says...

Great question Shawnna! I did some digging and unfortunately as of April 2014, couldn't find any studios in Chicago specifically offering plus size pole dancing classes.

I'm getting more and more people asking about plus size classes and where they can find one in their area (studio owners, take note please!). And while I can't do much about the dearth of vertical fitness opportunities for larger women who'd prefer to learn with others of similar size, I can encourage you to speak up and ask your local studio to seriously consider putting a class on their schedule.

Here's a reply I gave to someone else who was searching for the same thing. You might find it helpful if you're up for approaching a local studio about plus size classes.

Good luck Shawnna, and do let us know if you're successful with getting a class going!

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